We're not in it for the money, if that's not obvious.

Why do we do this crazy thing called farming?

We've all had that experience of opening the hardshell plastic clamshell from the grocery store, only a day after purchase, to find the food you thought was at its peak was actually a day away from mush. As you toss it, you may be mad at the store, or you may blame yourself for not making that salad you were planning. We know this feeling all too well.

It all begins with our mission to eat well, know where our food comes from, and to share it with others. Working on a farm for the first time in 2016, every lunch was prepared by a rotating cast of us, harvested fresh from the soil and shared at a communal table. The quality and flavor were on a whole different level, and after leaving the farm the grocery store was never the same. It was both a privilege and a curse. I wanted to be able to share it with others the best way I knew how.

We've grown a lot since then, but our standards haven't changed. It starts from the seeds up: purchasing quality seeds, from varieties that bring the best flavor possible instead of those that are better for shipping long distances. Instead of using tractors to plant into single-use plastics, we hand transplant and weed using hand tools. We don't spray chemicals on our crops, we use biological controls the way nature intended. Our hands harvest each vegetable, and only the best make it into our wash station. We harvest only what we need every week, instead of harvesting all at once and keeping it in cold storage. All of these things cut into our bottom line, but we're obviously not in it for the money. We're here to offer you the best quality vegetables so you can eat the way we do and join in our privilege and curse.

We all can't be farmers, I know, so I'm thankful that instead you choose to support us.

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Read about us in the chronicle: Who We Are: Local couple launch family farm

Overcast Farm is:

Matthew AKA "Kid"


When I'm not on the farm or hanging with my partner and friends, I'm tearing it up on the pickleball courts or enjoying a good science fiction book/show.



Panthea can be found hiking, crafting, kayaking or just generally exploring when not farming. She also works part time as an in home caregiving and is almost always with our dog Sola.